A step into JavaScript

01 Sep 2022

“Wow”, my reaction to seeing the number of tasks being assigned as part of the start of my journey in ICS314. Prior to taking this class, I was in other classes that had coding as a basis such as EE160. But unlike those classes, ICS314 has been giving me a bigger sense of urgency with the work that’s being assigned on top of having to learn a new coding language.

Of course, that’s not a bad thing as I feel more motivated to learn knowing that the window to do assignments is much smaller. Regarding JavaScript, it isn’t too hard since there are many similarities to the language when compared to C and C++. However, the amount of information I had to take in on the first two weeks is quite something. Because of this, I have had to change the amount of time I give towards my studies.

The addition of WODs have also helped me keep up with the pace of this class. While they are hard at first, following attempts have showed that I am getting a good grasp at certain areas of JavaScript. By the end of this semester, I hope to have a good grasp of JavaScript as I know it will be a useful skill to have when applying for internships and jobs.